Tuesday, February 18, 2014


It's taken me a bit to actually be able to write something after digesting the scores from tonight.  First of all, one of the things I hate about how they rank the AA teams is that there is no true #1.  I'm not sure why we need to appease both leagues by giving each a #1, but it's mostly pointless.  The better league is going to end up with more teams in the end anyway so why not just do it right to begin with so we can get the better match-ups at the end of the tournament.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I don't recall ever seeing a #1 seed lose in the first round of a Section 2 sectional tournament, regardless of how AA's are seeded.  I'm sure it's happened, but I really don't remember it if it did.  CCHS losing in the first round to Niskayuna is beyond words stunning.  I have stated I thought their youth and inexperience could play a factor in Sectionals but I never thought they would lose in the first round.  The other stunning thing about the AA bracket is that only one Big 10 team remains.  I suppose it's not shocking that team is CBA, but they didn't light the world on fire tonight either.  Six of the 8 remaining teams are from the Suburban with the other being Green Tech. 

Last year I thought the Big 10's dominance was going to end at the hands of Green Tech.  I was wrong, but unless CBA puts together a run worthy of their name the streak may finally come to an end.

I don't know if anyone else saw this score or not, but the Post Star is reporting that Cohoes lost to Hudson 58-57.  Now, the B bracket is insanely deep so I'm not surprised to see an upset, I'm actually slightly shocked there wasn't any more, but Cohoes beat Hudson by 33 earlier this year.  I'm not a huge fan of the Patroon this year in the B's, but they still have two teams left and at this point, I could see any one of the remaining teams winning in the second round. 

This doesn't look to be a great year for the model so far, but as I've said the first round is not kind to me.  I have a built in disadvantage of any upsets I have playing on the road and not a neutral floor.  Where the model should make up some ground is in the later rounds.  At least I hope.  I'll update the records once the first round is over. 

Considering I was speechless prior to writing this, I'm rather impressed I got that many words out.

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